Thursday, February 4, 2010

This Senator Brought to You By...

As Americans, we like to pride ourselves on the idea that we live in a democracy. Our elected officials are (theoretically at least) acting in the best interest of "the people." But it's become increasingly clear that our elected officials don't really work in our best interest and have their own interests (or reelection) at heart. That is why while this Huffington Post story is disheartening, it's not surprising at all. Coupled with the recent (boneheaded) decision by the Supreme Court to allow unlimited corporate contributions to political campaigns, I'm afraid that the "traditional" idea of democracy is dead and that the idea of buying an election truly just became a reality.

I believe that most people are unwilling to take the time to educate themselves about political issues and rely on 1) soundbites from their favorite 24-hour news channel and 2) political ads. In other words, it's a dark day for "the people" that a democracy is supposed to represent. So, it makes sense that all politicians are looking to get on the good side of corporations who can dig into their deep pockets in November and buy an election for them. Meanwhile, we the people, are being sold down the river.

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